What’s the difference of APV from Baro-VNAV?


Now, this time, for the first time in a while, the content will be related to aeronautical knowledge!

Types of instrument approach methods

1.Precision Approach

This is the entry method that is currently considered the most accurate, and is available in the ILS and PAR approaches. There are two types of approaches.

In the case of an ILS approach, radio waves are emitted from ground facilities on the runway to indicate horizontal and vertical deviation to the aircraft.

For PAR approach, air traffic controllers use radar to keep giving horizontal and vertical directions to a low altitude in order to land the aircraft on the runway.

2.Non-Precision Approach

An approach method that is not as precise as precision entry, and is represented by the “RNP” and “VOR” approaches are typical examples.

RNP approach is an approach method that also applies RNAV to approaches and, simply put, uses GPS.

VOR approach is a method of approach using an air navigation radio facility called a VOR, which uses a round-trip radio signal to indicate to the aircraft the distance and heading from the aircraft to the VOR.

You can read more about RNAV in this article if you are interested.


Instrument entry methods fall into the above two categories, but the second, non-precision entry, is a bit more complicated.

About Non-Precision approach and APV

One of the most confusing aspects of studying non-precision entry is the standing of the APV.

APV stands for “Approach procedure with vertical guidance” and refers to an approach that descends according to the vertical guidance specified in the chart in advance.

The conventional non-precision approach method displays information horizontally in relation to the runway but requires the pilot to descend vertically in relation to the runway based on his or her own calculations.

In other words, performing an APV means that the aircraft will approach to the lowest possible altitude according to the data (published charts) in the computer equipped in the aircraft.

Advantages of APV (Baro-VNAV)

So what are the advantages of having APV compared to the past?

The result is that the introduction of APV has the advantage of lowering the minimum approach altitude compared to non-precision approach, which was introduced a little earlier. than a non-precision approach.

Basically, today’s airliners follow the policy of CDA (Continuous Descent Approach), which means that they land by continuing their descent from the starting point of descent.

Reasons include CFIT prevention and economy.
CFIT means that an airplane crashes even though it is controllable. In other words, a crash due to human error.

Let me explain why this benefit is created.

An APV, as explained earlier, flies and lands on a pre-designated descent path.

Then what the pilot can actually do is to use the autopilot to fly.
In other words, by using the power of the third pilot, the autopilot, it is possible to allocate tasks to situational awareness, etc., without relying solely on the pilot’s calculations.Then what the pilot can actually do is to use the autopilot to fly.

APVs can also descend to a DH (Decision Height) verified by the Civil Aviation Authority, which increases the likelihood of landing in bad weather. At the same time, it also prevents CFIT.

Disadvantages of APV

Disadvantages also exist with APV.

There are several details to include, but the number one disadvantage is that the “lowest temperature limit” is set.

In other words, each airport has a lowest temperature at which APV may be performed.

The reason is that when the temperature is low, the true altitude is lower when comparing the altitude indicated by the airplane’s altimeter to the true altitude to the ground. A difference of 10°C in temperature will change the true altitude by about 4%.
It would take a long time to explain how this works, so I will explain the details next time.The reason is that when the temperature is low, the true altitude is lower when comparing the altitude indicated by the airplane’s altimeter to the true altitude to the ground. A difference of e.

In summary, APV has the disadvantage that if the temperature is too low, the true altitude will be too low, and safety cannot be guaranteed on the set descent path.

Summary of APV or Baro-VNAV?

How was it?

It is not until you join an airline that you will learn about these differences in earnest, but since it is a new and somewhat complicated element, it would be an advantage to know at least the atmosphere while you are at it.

Also, this APV will be mainstream from now on, so please try to organize it yourself.

I have written other aviation-related articles, so I hope you will take a look if you find something of interest.

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